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Financial Reports

The financial report is a services report that shows an unduplicated client count by service category and subservice. The financial report can be filtered by funding source and can include additional custom filters. In Central Administration, it can be run for a single provider domain or for multiple domains.


To access the financial report:

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Financial Report.

To run a financial report:

  1. Select at least one funding source filter (check all funding sources that apply).
  2. Click Save.
  3. Select a Begin and End Date.
  4. Click Run.
  5. Click to View.


The financial report has several additional features that can be used to refine results.


Edit Filter – Allows a user to include services report type custom filter criteria in the financial report. An example would be filtering for women and children by including report filters for age and gender.



PDF – Will generate the results in a PDF format.

  1. Click PDF.
  2. Click to View.


Include Subservice Detail? - If this is checked, the report will include subservices for each service category.

Note: The number of clients for each subservice will be unduplicated and the number of clients for each service category will be unduplicated. The total number of clients for the service category may be lower than the total for all clients for all subservices of that service category because a client may receive more than one subservice of a service category in that date span for that funding source.

Include Provider Information – If this is checked, the report will include the provider's phone number and address as entered in provider setup.

Pull Amount Received from receipts in the date span – If this is checked, the report will include payments collected for services.

Apply Filter – If this is checked, the report will include filter criteria added to the report using Edit Filter and listed in Filter Description.

To print values in a window click Print or Export to get to the Report Setup.


Click Printable List Format Options to edit the format of printed pages.


To download these instructions click here.

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